Open Letter to Porter Ranch

Dear Neighbor:

The human condition is an interesting one. There is a universal misunderstanding amongst us. Each individual is perceivably so different; yet, we are woven together with a common intention: the search of personal significance. This journey starts with creating a unique self-identity. Ironically, along the way, people come into our lives that help mold our self-identity and realize our personal significance.

Almost 20 years ago, I was a young man aspiring for success. Sowing seeds in my mind of a time I can proudly proclaim to my mother, wife, and daughter “I will always take care of you”. Rarely do we ever achieve true success on our own. Over the years, each member of the Porter Ranch community has provided me with energy, support, and friendship that I needed to persevere.

Success within itself seemed to be the reward for becoming successful. However, along my journey, I realized that my true success was in earning people’s trust. There is not a single more important human quality than to have an open and truthful relationship.

All else will fall into place.

Thank you Porter Ranch for welcoming me into your homes. I am grateful to continue serving your future generation family members.

Sincerest regards,
